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Curated insights into the growing fusion industry for busy professionals

Subscribe for updates on fusion energy news and insights from our expert Q&As. And get a FREE Fusion Fact Sheet to get you quickly up to speed.


Fusion is coming, and when it does it

will transform the energy landscape

WHAT is Fusion Energy Insights?

A membership to help you keep up to date with developments and commercialisation considerations in the growing fusion industry

FEI gives you the possibility to see where you or your business fits into the next great energy revolution

It helps you see the pathway to fusion commercialisation and opportunities emerging

It helps you make connections with others in the industry to maximise your opportunities and drive the industry forward

HOW do we serve you?

Through live, expert-led online events open to interaction

Through industry updates and commentary on LinkedIn and email

Through member connections and networking

WHY do we do it?

We believe fusion energy will be transformational for our world, providing abundant clean energy globally—the 

world needs fusion. 

Together we can profit from the creation of a new and brighter future for everyone

FEI is a perfect fit for you if: 

You are the kind of person who’s always ahead of the curve

You are an energy professional, or an investor, or in a field where you just know that fusion will change your business

You want to do more to drive the energy transition

You realise that big changes are afoot in the energy market

You see that fusion is coming and that you need to be ready

You believe in sustainability, not scarcity

What kind of world do you want?

Hello, I'm Melanie, Founder of Fusion Energy Insights.

I have a vision of the world with abundant clean energy. For everyone.

A decarbonised energy system - a mix of renewables, firm fusion and clean fuels.

I want to see fusion energy on the grid, or generating hydrogen, or powering industry within 20 years, preferably sooner.

I can help take people from clueless about fusion to understanding the impact it could have on their lives and business.

That’s why I created a space where professionals who recognise the huge transformative potential of fusion can find out about fusion and commercialisation, stay informed and up-to-date, and meet others in the community who can help them achieve their goals.

We will be a community driving towards, and profiting from, fusion energy. And I want to extend this invitation to you.

I want you to be part of this.

Together we can build a new world.

Helping ahead-of-the-curve professionals keep up to date with progress in the growing fusion industry so that they can see tomorrow's opportunities emerging for their business today.

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Stay ahead of the game in the biggest energy revolution today

Download the free Fusion Fact Sheet to find out:

  • Why fusion is an ideal energy source

  • Why now is a key time for fusion commercialisation

  • How the private fusion industry is growing

  • How fusion fits into the energy transition

  • What some key figures are saying about fusion

  • Subscribe Now

    Supported by an expert advisory board

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    Sign up for updates on fusion energy news and Insights Highlights from our expert

    Q&As. And get a free fusion fact sheet to get you quickly up to speed.

    Our events

  • Each FEI event is a virtual round table where you can speak to experts in their field

  • A unique opportunity to hear from leaders in and outside of fusion about the challenges and considerations of commercialising fusion energy

  • Our Events

    intelligent debate - interactive Q&A - thought leaders - discussion - expert speakers

    Choose the package that's right for you


    • SUPPORTER membership half price for current students and for a year after graduation

    • Requires ID and verification of study dates

    • *You must join while still a student to get the special extra-year price



  • Access to live-stream of all Insight Q&A events and 3-day replay window

  • Private online member group and selected networking events

  • $10.00

    Game Changer

  • Access to the private Q&A zoom sessions to put your questions to the expert speakers.

  • Private online member group and all networking events

  • Access to members area for Insights Summaries provided after all Q&As and replays of all previous events

  • $10.00

    We understand what it feels like to be concerned about climate change and feeling that we’re not doing enough, or concerned about your career and business prospects in a time of change

    Fusion Energy Insights can take you from:

    unsure about the challenges and opportunities on the pathway to commercial fusion energy

    ignorant of how you or your business fits into the evolving fusion picture

    concerned about climate change but feeling powerless

    concerned about how to transition your career as energy completely changes

    rushed off your feet trying to find relevant info about a complex new energy source via Google 


    facing the challenges alone


    educated and informed about the developing fusion landscape

    clear on where you or your business fits and where the opportunities are

    feeling confident and proud of the action you’re taking 

    the go-to fusion person in your company, the trusted expert 

    calmer now that the relevant info is delivered directly to you 


    in control

    connected and supported

    What FEI members are saying

    Join Us Now


    What makes Fusion Energy Insights special?

    Fusion Energy Insights is targeted on getting the right information to the right people--you--so that you can benefit from it. You can make decisions that will ultimately help your business, and hopefully drive the commercialisation of fusion and the energy transition. The aim is to keep the growing community informed, and networking and partnering with each other, so that everyone can see opportunities arising.

    How is it better or different than other things out there?

    Fusion Energy Insights is part of an ecosystem of people and organisations with similar goals. There's plenty of information on fusion out there that you can get for free, but it’s not targeted at businesses or professionals interested in fusion commercialisation and opportunities arising. Do you have time to trudge through the whole of the internet to find what you need? And do you even know what you might need to know? We want to make your life easier by picking out key topics for discussion and providing key insights on those topics from experts in the field. And even if you can't attend every event, you'll still get the insights.

    Why would you benefit from (and even enjoy!) Fusion Energy Insights?

    There are two big elements to this membership. One is the insights and keeping up to date with developments in fusion. The other is networking and partnerships. We have a huge challenge ahead of us---transitioning energy, meeting climate goals. We believe that fusion energy will, and indeed needs to, play a key role in a sustainable future. So we want to build a community where we have this same vision and where collectively we have the power to move towards it.  That’s a big, long-term goal, but also think about the transformation that you will get personally as time goes by--the personal development, the kudos from being at the forefront, for driving positive change in your company, the financial opportunities…. There will be huge benefits in being part of the growth in the fusion industry, the next great energy revolution.

    This is answer 1

    Fusion energy is coming.

    The fusion industry is growing.

    Can you afford not to be informed?


    Ullam qui culpa officiis quo accusamus et numquam. Non dolor exercitationem expedita et rerum. In corporis delectus et magnam rerum. Et maxime natus sed aut temporibus dolor qui.

    Answer goes here.