Fusion News:  SPRIND approves  Pulsed Light Technologies, Eni and CFS speed up plans for fusion energy and UK and US launch $3m fusion energy materials project

Fusion News:  SPRIND approves  Pulsed Light Technologies, Eni and CFS speed up plans for fusion energy and UK and US launch $3m fusion energy materials project

Mar 24, 2023

A summary of recent fusion energy news stories is presented by Dr Hazel Lowe, Plasma Diagnostician at Tokamak Energy on behalf of The Fusion Industry Association.

Links to the articles mentioned are included below.

You can subscribe to the podcasts if you prefer audio-only.

1. SPRIN-D SPRIN-D Creates Infrastructure for Laser-Driven Fusion

2. Reuters - Italy's Eni and CFS speed up plans for fusion energy

3. Power Engineering International - UK and US launch $3m fusion energy materials project

4. The New York Times - New Room-Temperature Superconductor Offers Tantalizing Possibilities



Fusion Industry Association - One year since the US launched “Bold Decadal Vision “ for fusion energy

Whyy - Behind the scenes of a $200 million nuclear fusion experiment

Nick Hawker - Fuels for fusion – what are the options?

CGTN - Building the world's first nuclear fusion power plant in the UK: RAZOR


Fusion News videos and podcasts are provided fortnightly by the Fusion Industry Association to give people a quick way to get all the important recent news stories.

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