Fusion News: Tokamak Energy investment, Cyrogenic Innovation and MIT expands to build SPARC

Fusion News: Tokamak Energy investment, Cyrogenic Innovation and MIT expands to build SPARC

May 22, 2022

In this week’s episode of Fusion News by the Fusion Industry Association, Dr. Erica Salazar, Magnet Systems Lead at Commonwealth Fusion Systems, discusses several key fusion news stories. Links to the articles mentioned are included below.

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Here are all the stories for you to check out:

1. Financial Times - Fusion start-up Tokamak Energy calls for investment into nascent sector

2. Physics World - Realizing the STEP fusion dream will require cryogenic innovation at scale and at pace

3. MIT News - MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center expands research collaboration with Commonwealth Fusion Systems to build net energy fusion machine, SPARC

4. The Express - Energy lifeline: Future fusion fuel may be ten times more abundant on Earth than thought

Second published article: UGU - Primordial Helium-3 Exchange Between Earth's Core and Mantle


 Gloucestershire Live - Nuclear fusion plant plan for Gloucestershire could be set by December

Gov.UK - Princess Astrid of Belgium talks fusion energy at UKAEA


Fusion News videos and podcasts are provided fortnightly by the Fusion Industry Association to give people a quick way to get all the important recent news stories.

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