Fusion News: Fusion start-up receives $29M, falling in love with fusion and more!

Fusion News: Fusion start-up receives $29M, falling in love with fusion and more!

Apr 11, 2023

Cyd Cowley, PhD student at the University of York, presents a summary of recent fusion energy news stories on behalf of The Fusion Industry Association.

Links to all the articles mentioned are below for further reading.

You can subscribe to the podcasts if you prefer audio-only.

1. TechCrunch - Fusion startup Type One Energy gets $29M seed round to fast-track its reactor designs

2. Wired - It’s Time to Fall in Love with Nuclear Fusion—Again

3. Bloomberg - Can Nuclear Fusion Power the Future?

4. The Economist - Fusion power is coming back into fashion


World Nuclear News - British-Korean partnership for fusion robotics

The Economist - How private companies are bringing clean, green, nuclear fusion energy closer to reality


Fusion News videos and podcasts are provided fortnightly by the Fusion Industry Association to give people a quick way to get all the important recent news stories.

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