Fusion News: Fusion prototype to be built at Culham, Russian magnet arrives at ITER and UK gov announces fusion delivery body

Fusion News: Fusion prototype to be built at Culham, Russian magnet arrives at ITER and UK gov announces fusion delivery body

Feb 27, 2023

In the latest episode of Fusion News, Jasmine Mund, engineering intern at Kyoto Fusioneering, gives updates on the latest in fusion news on behalf of The Fusion Industry Association.

Links to the articles mentioned are included below.

You can view the video on YouTube (because the embed function is currently broken 🤦🏼‍♀️)


You can subscribe to the podcasts if you prefer audio-only.

Here are all the stories for you to check out:

1. Business & Innovation Magazine - Tokamak Energy’s new advanced fusion prototype to be built at UKAEA’s Culham campus

2. ITER - ITER’s Russian poloidal field coil arrives at construction site

3. Gov.UK - UKAEA and University of Birmingham to sign Chair in Fusion Materials


4. CFS Energy - Commonwealth Fusion Systems opens fusion energy campus on the fastest path to bring clean fusion energy to the world


5. Gov.UK - UK takes major STEP towards near limitless low carbon energy

Worksop Guardian - Science Minister announces new delivering body for West Burton fusion project


TEDx Talk: ‘Why should we make a star on earth?’ Tony Donné, CEO of EuroFUSION

TEDx Talk: ‘Entering the fusion energy delivery era’ Joe Milnes, Head of JET operations at UKAEA


Fusion News videos and podcasts are provided fortnightly by the Fusion Industry Association to give people a quick way to get all the important recent news stories.

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