Fusion News: Fast lasers, corrosion resistance for fusion and UK leads energy breakthrough

Fusion News: Fast lasers, corrosion resistance for fusion and UK leads energy breakthrough

Jun 17, 2022

This week’s episode of Fusion News is a summary of recent fusion energy news stories presented by Dr. Hazel Lowe, Plasma Diagnostician at Tokamak Energy

Links to the articles mentioned are included below.

1.The Times - Clean energy’s new hope: really fast lasers

Marvel Fusion article Dr. Lowe mentions is here.

2. Phys.Org News - Experts chip away at corrosion for the future of fusion

3. The Express - UK to LEAD ‘new era’ of energy with huge breakthrough to harness power of stars on Earth

4. Popular Mechanics - To Make Commercial Fusion a Reality, MIT Is Joining Forces With a Bill Gates-Backed Startup


Bloomberg - The Cable Podcast featuring Marvel Fusion CEO Moritz von der Linden at 22:50

Phys.org - Unprecedented level of insight into plasma edge phenomena


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