Fusion News: White House event, 100 million degrees, and a "Big Gun"

Fusion News: White House event, 100 million degrees, and a "Big Gun"

Mar 28, 2022

In this week's episode of Fusion News, from the Fusion Industry Association, Cyd Cowley, a PhD student working at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy presents a series of stories about the White House fusion energy event, a 100 million degree breakthrough at Tokamak Energy, the "Big Gun" at First Light Fusion and new information about Marvel Fusion.

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Here are all the stories for you to check out:

1. Scientific American - To Help Tackle Climate Crisis, White House Touts Nuclear Fusion

2. Interesting Engineering - A nuclear fusion device pushes plasma to a record-breaking 100 million degrees

3. The Times - Can this scientist solve the world’s energy crisis?

4. CNBC German start-up aims to generate unlimited clean fusion energy with lasers


Tokamak Energy - Moving closer to commercial fusion

FIA First Annual Policy Conference


Fusion News videos and podcasts are provided fortnightly by the Fusion Industry Association to give people a quick way to get all the important recent news stories.

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