3 Key Insights – The Japanese Fusion Grand Vision
In April 2024, Japan launched their first national strategy for fusion to look at the commercialisation of fusion and set out its ambitious power generation plan
Royal Society releases key publications on STEP roadmap to fusion energy
The Royal Society published a special edition of its esteemed journal, highlighting the challenges that need to be overcome to bring fusion energy into the commercial realm.
Yan Karavayeu: Understanding what private fusion companies are doing
Yan, a 4th year Physics student, wanted to learn about private fusion companies and their individual approaches to fusion energy.
South Korea’s bold $863.7 Million Fusion Investment to Ensure Energy Leadership
The South Korean government recently committed to a decade-long program to develop nuclear fusion technologies, focusing on establishing a public-private partnership (PPP) model.
Thomas Rainford: Getting an overview of how the whole fusion industry fits together
Our intern Thomas Rainford, believes Fusion is going to make the world a better place for everyone.
Realta Fusion and UW Demonstrate Highest Ever Magnetic Field in Fusion Plasma Experiment
The WHAM team's achievement has profound implications for the future of fusion and the experiment now serves as a crucial testbed for the magnetic mirror reactor design.
Inside View: Public Perception Of Fusion
Whilst fusion energy is broadly viewed positively, most people admitted in recent research, to knowing little about the technology.
3 Key Insights – Fusion in the Space Industry
Fusion has a wider range of applications than energy generation and one such use is fusion propulsion to enable travel in space.
Japan doubling down on its commitment to fusion - FusionX Perspective
Building on a heritage of fusion science and engineering, in recent months the US and Japan announced a strategic partnership to accelerate fusion commercialisation.
Scorching Capitals, AI and the Fusion Future
As global warming continues to threaten the lives of billions, where do we go from here? Romi Mahajan, CEO of ExoFusion, gives his perspective.
The continued growth of the fusion supply chain – Insights from The Fusion Industry Association’s Supply Chain 2024 Report
Large growth in the global fusion supply chain reported in the Fusion Industry Association's latest report.
3 Key Insights from Fusion24
Fusion24, the world’s greatest fusion showcase, returned to London’s Science Museum. Find out more...
3 insights from Ferrari’s Sustainability Workshop
Ferrari's 2nd Sustainability Workshop took place in June. Melanie attended and spoke about fusion. Here are her 3 key insights.
Fusion Regulation: What Investors Need to Know with Sachin Desai, Helion Energy
We spoke to Sachin Desai, General Counsel at Helion Energy, to understand the regulatory framework which is crucial for investors in fusion technology.
5 questions with… Focused Energy
Focused Energy featured in our ‘5 Questions With…’ interview in the March 2023 issue of the Fusion Energy Insights Quarterly. Here is a sneak-peek of some of the things Focused Energy revealed.
3 insights from the inaugural ITER Private-Public Fusion Workshop
ITER’s inaugural private-public fusion workshop took place in May at the ITER site in France. Read on to discover our 3 key insights.
3 Key Insights - Fusion Waste: Is it a Showstopper for Fusion?
In our third member Q&A session of 2024, we discussed waste generation from fusion. Our expert speaker was Sehila M. Gonzalez de Vicente, Global Director of Fusion Energy at the Clean Air Task Force.
DIII-D Scientists Push the Performance for Fusion Plasmas
The DIII-D tokamak has pushed its fusion plasmas to new high-performance, power-plant relevant regimes. How can these experiments enable the fusion power-plants of the future?
The value of a TechFest – Tokamak Energy shares 3 insights
TechFest was a chance to showcase some of the incredible work and people driving continuous innovation across our company on the path to commercialising fusion in the 2030s. Find out more!